Ethereal Symphony……..

2 min readJul 10, 2023

In nature’s realm, where wonders gleam,

A symphony of ethereal theme,

Where sights and sounds in harmony play,

Unveiling beauty in a mystical way.

As dawn awakes with golden hue,

The sun ascends, the sky anew,

A choir of birds in chorus begins,

Their melodies dance on gentle winds.

The whispers of leaves, a rustling voice,

Their delicate dance, a nature’s choice,

They sway and twirl, with grace untold,

In verdant groves, a story unfolds.

The babbling brook, a crystal stream,

Its soothing cadence, a timeless dream,

It weaves through meadows with gentle glee,

A symphony of water, wild and free.

Oh, behold the flowers in vibrant bloom,

Their colors like a painter’s plume,

They sing their fragrant, perfumed song,

In harmony with nature, they belong.

The mountains stand tall, majestic and grand,

Their peaks reaching high, a divine command,

A symphony of rocks, in silence profound,

Whispering tales as ancient as the ground.

The stars above, a celestial choir,

Their twinkling lights ignite the fire,

They paint the heavens with a cosmic brush,

A symphony of constellations, lush.

From roaring thunder to gentle breeze,

From crashing waves to leaves in trees,

Nature’s symphony, a masterpiece,

An ethereal gift that will never cease.

Made by Image GPT DALL-E.

So let us listen, with open hearts,

To the symphony that nature imparts,

For in its beauty, we find our place,

Bound by love and grace, embraced.

