Infinite Stars.

2 min readJul 12, 2023

Beneath the sky so vast and grand,

We gaze at stars, a wondrous band.

Mysteries they hold, secrets untold,

A cosmic tale we long to unfold.

What questions lie within your mind,

about the universe, so unconfined?

Ask away, and I shall strive,

To shed light on what you seek to derive.


Are there planets beyond our sight,

Where life may thrive, in day or night?

Do galaxies dance in a celestial show,

with colors and patterns that ebb and flow?

What of black holes, those enigmatic spaces,

Where gravity pulls, and time erases?

Do they devour all that comes their way,

or do they hold secrets, still astray?

And what of comets, streaking with grace,

Leaving trails of stardust in their chase?

Do they carry stories from realms unknown,

as they journey through space, on paths they’re shown?

The constellations, like pictures in the sky,

With stories woven, as ages go by.

Can we trace their patterns, connect the dots,

and decipher the myths, unravel the plots?

Amidst the wonders that the cosmos unfurls,

Can we find solace, as fragile beings of this world?

Does the vastness remind us of our place,

or do we feel lost, in an endless space?

So ponder the infinite stars above,

Let curiosity and wonder be your driving love.

For in exploring the universe, you’ll see,

The beauty and awe of our cosmic decree.

Infinite Stars

